Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Who will receive financial assistance during the pandemic?

The Public Defender of Georgia has collected the questions of the citizens about receiving compensations within the framework of the targeted state program and presents the answers in a simplified way.
 First of all, you can use the help defined by the state program, if you are:
 1. Citizen of Georgia; 2. A foreign citizen with a permanent residence permit; 3. A stateless person with a permanent residence permit; 4. A person with a temporary residence permit for a refugee or humanitarian status.
 See e-versions of questions and answers:

In which case you will receive a compensation of 200 GEL per month

In which case a one-time compensation of 300 GEL will be issued


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How can we benefit from this assistance?
    Please provide contact information or address where we can visit.
    Thank you
